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Pohvala Uraganu

Translated from Spanish to Serbian by Ljubica Trošić
Written in Spanish by Alejandro Morellón Mariano
3 minutes read

Com as aves, partilho o céu

Translated from Slovenian to Portugese by Barbara Jursic
Written in Slovenian by Agata Tomažič
9 minutes read

Samochód ze starożytnej Grecji

Translated from Czech to Polish by Agata Wróbel
Written in Czech by Ondrej Macl
10 minutes read

Oduvek smo živele u ovom selu

Translated from Spanish to Serbian by Ljubica Trošić
Written in Spanish by Aixa De la Cruz Regúlez
4 minutes read

Zawsze mieszkałyśmy w tej wiosce

Translated from Spanish to Polish by Katarzyna Górska
Written in Spanish by Aixa De la Cruz Regúlez
5 minutes read

Un’automobile dell’antica Grecia

Translated from Czech to Italian by Elena Zuccolo
Written in Czech by Ondrej Macl
10 minutes read


Translated from Italian to Dutch by Lies Lavrijsen
Written in Italian by Maurizio Amendola
3 minutes read


Translated from Dutch to Czech by Veronika Horáčková
Written in Dutch by Hannah Roels
7 minutes read

De denkbeeldige werelden van Edgar Kaos

Translated from Slovenian to Dutch by Marieke Haenebalcke
Written in Slovenian by Julija Lukovnjak
11 minutes read

Monsterboom Boomjongen

Translated from Spanish to Dutch by Heleen Oomen
Written in Spanish by Mariana Torres
9 minutes read

Automobil iz stare Grčke

Translated from Czech to Serbian by Uroš Nikolić
Written in Czech by Ondrej Macl
9 minutes read

La rinnegata

A story of three generations of women, their courage and search for independence in the face of superstition and prejudice, in the spirit of Natalia Ginzburg and Elena Ferrante. In this striking debut, based on a true story, Valeria Usala bears witness to an age-old story of violence against women and takes us into the heart of rural Sardinia, where superstitions and cruelty coexist with the joys and companionship of a tight-knit community.

Teresa runs a shop and a tavern. But not even the family she has created with the man she loves can protect her from the malicious gossip of jealous locals, who are threatened by her independence. Her own mother, Maria, was made an outcast, and now Teresa is in turn forsaken by the villagers. Will she pay for her success with her life? Is she like a character in Greek tragedy, whose destiny is inevitable? A story that gives voice to the forgotten women of Sardinia—and to the one of women everywhere.

Written in Italian by Valeria Usala
8 minutes read

Pochwała huraganu

Translated from Spanish to Polish by Katarzyna Górska
Written in Spanish by Alejandro Morellón Mariano
4 minutes read

El automóvil de la Antigua Grecia

Translated from Czech to Spanish by Daniel Ordóñez Franco
Written in Czech by Ondrej Macl
11 minutes read

Het portret

Written in Dutch by Hannah Roels
6 minutes read

Elogio Del Huracán

Written in Spanish by Alejandro Morellón Mariano
4 minutes read


Translated from Italian to Romanian by Nicoleta Iolanda Rus
Written in Italian by Maurizio Amendola
3 minutes read

Sempre vivemos nesta aldeia

Translated from Spanish to Portugese by Miguel Martins
Written in Spanish by Aixa De la Cruz Regúlez
5 minutes read

Težka voda

V svetu, ki ga naseljujejo Ida, Marta, Tone in Lojze, na vrtovih gnijejo paradižniki, na nočnih omaricah ždijo nagačeni zajci, krave pa je treba slej kot prej ustreliti med oči. Nič čudnega, če na blatni zemlji komu usodno spodrsne ali pa mu glavo spešta kakšno drevo; Gospod vendarle daje in jemlje, povrh vsega pa še odpušča.

V romanu Težka voda, svojstveni anatomiji krivde, ki prelamlja s tradicijo slovenske povesti, se drobci iz življenja starejše protagonistke Ide med posledicami zamolčane preteklosti in neizživete prihodnosti postopoma sestavljajo v okrušeno celoto. Ta v ekspresivnem, dovršenem slogu razkriva predvsem bridko resnico o prepletenosti življenj znotraj manjše vaške skupnosti, kjer se vse zdi na dlani, pa vendar skrivnost rojeva nove skrivnosti.

Written in Slovenian by Pia Prezelj
9 minutes read

De stem van Sulina

Een lyrische roman over de geboorte van een moeder, zwervende zielen en de ziel van het zwerven, geschreven met de stuwende kracht van een wereldrivier.

Terwijl een donkere schaduw over de weerkaarten van Midden-Europa glijdt, reist een vrouw in een busje langs de oevers van de Donau, van de bron in het Zwarte Woud tot de monding in de Zwarte Zee. Welke stemmen stijgen op uit de rivier?
Archeologische opgravingen en eeuwenoude verhalen, confronterende vragen en dromen, lichamelijke transformaties en vergeten vrouwen geven richting aan de mentale reis van een jonge schrijfster die moeder wordt.

Written in Dutch by Anneleen Van Offel
7 minutes read