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Il ponte

Translated from Portugese to Italian by Francesca Leotta
Written in Portugese by João Valente
9 minutes read


Translated from Portugese to Serbian by Tamina Šop
Written in Portugese by Patrícia Patriarca
7 minutes read

Sin título

Translated from Portugese to Spanish by Sara De Albornoz Domínguez
Written in Portugese by Patrícia Patriarca
9 minutes read


Translated from Slovenian to Polish by Joanna Borowy
Written in Slovenian by Mirt Komel
9 minutes read


Translated from Portugese to Romanian by Simina Popa
Written in Portugese by João Valente
10 minutes read

Hoe we minder zullen worden

Written in Dutch by Rebekka de Wit
8 minutes read


Translated from Slovenian to Romanian by Paula Braga Šimenc
Written in Slovenian by Mirt Komel
18 minutes read

Il dilemma dell’ombrello marrone Prima porta a destra Niente

Translated from Romanian to Italian by Maria Alampi
Written in Romanian by Anna Kalimar
8 minutes read

Mesmo Que apenas Uma só Gota Possa Ser Vista

Translated from Dutch to Portugese by Pedro Viegas
Written in Dutch by Rebekka de Wit
9 minutes read


Translated from Romanian to Czech by Tereza Prymak
Written in Romanian by Alexandru Potcoavă
10 minutes read


Translated from Portugese to Dutch by Finne Anthonissen
Written in Portugese by Patrícia Patriarca
8 minutes read

Cómo acabaremos siendo menos

Translated from Dutch to Spanish by Guillermo Briz
Written in Dutch by Rebekka de Wit
9 minutes read

Nikogar ni, ki bi ti bil podoben (Leteči ljudje)

Kratke zgodbe v zbirki Leteči ljudje druži stikanje s tujimi in neizživetimi življenji: preslikave se dogajajo tako znotraj zgodb kot v druge, že napisane zgodbe, pa tudi v resnično življenje. Zgodbene niti, zaznamovane s kratkimi stiki in odprtimi možnostmi, se pnejo kot žice daljnovodov skozi mestni trušč. Protagonisti pogosto sanjarijo o življenjih, ki bi jih lahko živeli, ta pa pred njih stopajo včasih kot prikazni, včasih pa kot povsem otipljive alternative. Odnehanje in pasivnost se v zbirki pojavita večkrat, vendar pogosto kot (paradoksalno) ključen element aktivnega odpora proti nastalim okoliščinam. Leteči ljudje se dogajajo na razpotju različnih usod, tam, kjer je mogoče vse, četudi le za hip.

Ajda Bračič (1990) je arhitektka, urednica in publicistka. Kot piska in urednica sodeluje z več slovenskimi mediji s področja arhitekture in kulture. Za svoje pisanje je prejela nekaj nagrad na prepoznavnih literarnih natečajih. Zbirka kratke proze Leteči ljudje je njen knjižni prvenec.

Written in Slovenian by Ajda Bračič
7 minutes read


Translated from Slovenian to Spanish by Xavier Farré
Written in Slovenian by Mirt Komel
10 minutes read

Aunque no llegues a ver más que una gota

Translated from Dutch to Spanish by Guillermo Briz
Written in Dutch by Rebekka de Wit
9 minutes read

Very Important Person

Translated from Slovenian to Serbian by Jelena Dedeić
Written in Slovenian by Andraž Rožman
9 minutes read

Very Important Person

Translated from Slovenian to Czech by Kateřina Honsová
Written in Slovenian by Andraž Rožman
10 minutes read


Translated from Portugese to Slovenian by Maruša Fakin
Written in Portugese by Patrícia Patriarca
8 minutes read

Como nos tornaremos menos

Translated from Dutch to Portugese by Pedro Viegas
Written in Dutch by Rebekka de Wit
9 minutes read


Translated from Slovenian to Dutch by Staša Pavlović
Written in Slovenian by Mirt Komel
9 minutes read