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Cuando las mentiras se acumulan a toda velocidad

Translated from Dutch to Spanish by Guillermo Briz
Written in Dutch by Carmien Michels
8 minutes read

Il ponte

Translated from Portugese to Italian by Francesca Leotta
Written in Portugese by João Valente
9 minutes read

Când minciunile se înmulțesc ca ciupercile după ploaie

Translated from Dutch to Romanian by Cătălina Oșlobanu
Written in Dutch by Carmien Michels
9 minutes read


Written in Spanish by Mariana Torres
7 minutes read

In potem spet, od začetka

Translated from Serbian to by Natalija Milovanović
Written in Serbian by Filip Grujić
8 minutes read


Translated from Italian to Polish by Mateusz Kłodecki
Written in Italian by Arianna Giorgia Bonazzi
4 minutes read

Jak vycpat tělo

Translated from Dutch to Czech by Blanka Juranová
Written in Dutch by Nikki Dekker
8 minutes read


Translated from Portugese to Romanian by Simina Popa
Written in Portugese by João Valente
10 minutes read

Eindelijk heb je een kamer voor jezelf

Translated from Portugese to Dutch by Anne Lopes Michielsen
Written in Portugese by João Valente
10 minutes read

Com as aves, partilho o céu

Translated from Slovenian to Portugese by Barbara Jursic
Written in Slovenian by Agata Tomažič
9 minutes read

Het gaat over

Written in Dutch by Maud Vanhauwaert
8 minutes read


Translated from Spanish to Portugese by Matias Gomes
Written in Spanish by Mariana Torres
7 minutes read

wypychanie ciała

Translated from Dutch to Polish by Olga Niziołek
Written in Dutch by Nikki Dekker
8 minutes read

Een lichaam opzetten

Written in Dutch by Nikki Dekker
8 minutes read

Constantin. Een portret

Translated from Romanian to Dutch by Charlotte van Rooden
Written in Romanian by Iulian Bocai
10 minutes read


Translated from Romanian to Czech by Tereza Prymak
Written in Romanian by Alexandru Potcoavă
10 minutes read

Di me non sai

Lucio falls in love with "the boy" even before meeting him: just watching him from the window of his office is enough for him to become almost obsessed. When they finally meet, he discovers that Davide is much younger than him (still studying), and that he is elusive, unreliable, and "cruel" in the way only twenty-year-olds can be cruel.

For two months, Lucio and Davide have dinner together, have sex, go to the beach, and often sleep at Lucio's place. However, Davide does not fall in love. He continues to seek Lorenzo, the only man he (perhaps) truly loved, of whom he keeps only a pixelated photo on an old cellphone. Like many twenty-year-olds, he is also confused, wounded, and willing to nestle into the routine of always having a Coca-Cola ready for him in the refrigerator.

"Di me non sai" tells the story of a relationship lived in an opposite, incompatible way, whose nature is revealed to the reader only as the novel progresses. Alternating the perspectives of the two protagonists in short, sometimes very short chapters, Raffaele Cataldo shows the misalignment of feelings and the painful consequences it can have, the slow pace of hot Apulian summers, and the obsessive loves (present and absent) that, like wild oat seeds, cling to hair, shoes, and clothes.

Written in Italian by Raffaele Cataldo
4 minutes read

Preparirano telo

Translated from Dutch to Serbian by Bojana Budimir
Written in Dutch by Nikki Dekker
7 minutes read


Translated from Italian to Romanian by Elena Damaschin
Written in Italian by Arianna Giorgia Bonazzi
4 minutes read

ARRIVALS / GELIȘ (Honingeter)

Sibel wacht in de luchthaven van Istanboel. Elke dag opnieuw mist ze haar vlucht naar Brussel. Ze voelt zich in de beide landen niet thuis, wil grip krijgen op de herinneringen aan haar overleden vader en haar taal herontdekken. Sibel vult de dagen met het observeren van andere passagiers en de zorg voor een speurhond.

Maar zelf wordt ze ook geobserveerd. Bewakingsagent Ömer houdt haar via zijn schermen in da gaten en beslist haar te beschermen, zoals een vader. En dan is er nog Wernicke, een piloot die niet alleen zijn job verloor, maar nu ook zijn taal en gezondheid. Alle drie leven ze illegaal in de luchthaven, met hun eigen bagage en communicatieproblemen. Een sneeuwstorm verlengt hun ongemakkelijke samenzijn, maar een afscheid is onafwendbaar.

Erkan omschrijft gevoelig hoe het is om tussen twee culturen op te groeien. Honingeter maakt bevattelijk hoe onmogelijk het is de ander echt te begrijpen en om je ergens thuis te voelen als je je moedertaal niet kunt spreken. Met poëtische metaforen toont Erkan de kwetsbaarheid van haar personages.

Tülin Erkan (1988) groeide op in Oostende bij een Franstalige moeder en een Engelstalige grootmoeder. Haar zomers bracht ze door bij haar vader in Turkije. Wanneer mensen haar als half omschrijven, voelt ze zich vooral dubbel. In haar debuut Honingeter rijgt ze taal en herinnering virtuoos aan elkaar tot een gecondenseerd geheel.

Written in Dutch by Tülin Erkan
7 minutes read