Elena Damaschin has been in contact with foreign cultures and languages all her life. She studied Foreign Languages (Italian and Finnish) at Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj- Napoca, Romania. Her first job was as translator and interpreter between Romanian, Russian, English and Italian at a Translation Agency in Chișinău in Moldova and she has worked for a World Bank Infrastructure Project in Chișinău in the same role for three years. She has an MA in Linguistic, Literary and Translation Sciences from Sapienza University of Rome and has translated literary works by contemporary authors from Romanian into Italian such as poems by Claudia Selivanov-Gavriliţă , a fiction piece written by Vladimir Coroleţchi, a children’s poetry book, Iubesc şi rostesc by Petre Popa , and Cartea de Aur a Basarabiei şi a Republicii Moldova (The Gold Book of Bessarabia and Republic of Moldova), a reference book containing biographies of the most famous people from Moldova, by Denis Roşca.