Monika Štefková (1992) graduated in Italian studies from Charles University, Prague, where she also studied for a PhD in Romance language literatures.
From 2016 to 2017 she taught Italian at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences at the Czech Technical University in Prague and from 2019 to 2020 she taught Italian at the university’s Faculty of Social Sciences. For the last eight she has been collaborating with the Faculty of Arts on a project to create a parallel linguistic corpus. Her translations from Italian include
Jak zvířátka bydlí (2018, Mladá Fronta), Chůze pro zdravé srdce i mysl (2018, Essence), Malý Princ (2019, Pikola), Vzdálenost mezi mnou a třešní (2019, Slovart), Našeptávač (2019, Vendeta), Sbohem, přízraky (2020,
Odeon), Hypotéza zla (2020, Vendeta), Všechny jeho ženy (2021, Metafora), Muž z Labyrintu (2021, Vendeta) and Sedmý kámen (2021, Bookmedia).