Anne Lopes Michielsen (1989) wants to dedicate herself to the dissemination of Portuguese literature translated in Dutch. As a literary translator she wants to give authors from this wide language area a Dutch voice. Anne also actively seeks to improve the visibility of translators. Aside from translating books and short stories, she works part-time at the Centre of Expertise for Literary Translation, is involved in the Association of Emerging Translators, is an editor at PLUK, de oogst van nieuwe vertalers – a literary magazine especially for emerging translators and organizes workshops and courses for literary translators. She studied Language and Culture Studies, majoring in Modern Art and Philosophy of the Arts, and Portuguese Language and Culture at the universities of Utrecht (The Netherlands) and Coimbra (Portugal). This allowed her interests to run wild: from art history to literature, from cooking to philosophy, from language to culture. In 2014 she completed a Research Master in Literary Translation and that same year Anne received a Talent Scholarship from the Dutch Foundation of Literature.