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10 April 2023 
Wintertuin Festival | Nijmegen, The Netherlands

The theme for Wintertuinfestival 2023 is inspired by the phenomenon of 'solastalgia': feeling homesick fowards a place which has been radically alterned towards the point that it is not recognised as home anymore. Wintertuinfestival shares perspectives on change: you've been here before.

The CELA participants take the stage on April 10th with a series of performances, transmedia installations and an editions of 'Translators Café'.

22 March – 24 March 2023
Passa Porta Festival | Brussels, Belgium

From 22 to 24 March, Passa Porta and the City of Brussels will host the ICORN Network Meeting. The two events were therefore conceived in line with each other and around a shared theme: that of REFUGE. A hundred writers, thinkers and artists taking over the centre of Brussels to bring literature in all its forms to life!

On March 25th we present CELA. New Voices from Europe with CELA writers and translators

22 November – 27 November 2022
Ljubljana Book Fair | Ljubljana, Slovenia
12 November 2022 
Festival Eñe | Madrid, Spain

Festival Eñe is one of Madrid’s main literary events. Celebrated since 2009, each Autumn the city becomes a landmark for literary creators, welcoming them from all corners of the world for a grand festivity of Literature alongside their followers.

And this year the CELA Project will take part in the celebration thru some of their talented writers and translators.

28 October – 28 November 2022
Conversations #4 The future of European literature p2

During the recurring panel discussion Conversations, professionals from the literary sector engage in conversation to discuss current themes

24 October – 30 October 2022
Conrad Festival | Kraków, Poland

The theme COMMUNITY - prompts us to think about the relationship between the individual and the collective. Together with guests from different countries and cultural backgrounds, we will discuss the values but also the limitations of belonging to a given group.

On October 28th we present CELA. New Voices from Europe with CELA writers and translators.

6 October – 16 October 2022
FOLIO Festival | Óbidos, Portugal

During the eleven days long FOLIO Festival, visitors will find exhibitions, concerts, masterclasses, book presentations, conferences, seminars, performances, author sessions, cinema, and many other activities.

On October 13, 2022, Óbidos International Literature Festival (FOLIO) invites CELA talents to the stage!

17 June – 19 June 2022
XIV Festival Krokodil, Belgrade, Serbia

The XIV edition of the Festival KROKODIL took place in Belgrade from June 17 to 19 under the title The Year of Magical Thinking as well as in Novi Sad on June 23 and 24 under the title On the Margins.

CELA authors and translators presented themselves and their work to both professional and wider audiences during three dynamic events.

12 May 2022 
Conversations #3 The future of European literature

During the CELA Assembly Week in Madrid, an edition of Conversations was organized for all partners and participants of the European network.
