Tadeáš Dohňanský is currently studying for a PhD in Slavic Literatures at Charles University in Prague (CZ)). He works as an editor of the Polish literature section, poetry section and as head of trainees for the online literary magazine iLiteratura.cz and also works for the literary magazines Nowa Dekada Krakowska and A2 and has been a contributor to the Pardubice- based magazine Partonyma. Translating from Polish, his book debut was 27 smrtí Tobyho Obeda (The 27 Deaths Of Toby Obed, Absynt 2021), an award-winning collection of reports by CELA writer Joanna Gierak- Onoszko. In addition to Polish literature, he is also interested in Slovak , Hungarian and Modern Greek authors. On the way home from Prague to Valašská Bystřice, he can often be found wandering the length
and breadth of Yoknapatawpha County.