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Simion Doru Cristea

Simion Doru Cristea was born in Bistrița, Romania. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology from the University Babeș-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca, Romania with classes of Cinematography, Cluj-Napoca, The High Post Graduate School of Philology and History, at the same University. He has published different issues in reviews, collective books and books: Manifestul elevului de nota 10 (The Manifest of the A mark Student, Dokia Publishing House), Funcția symbolic-mitică în textul religios (Symbolic-mythic function in Religious text, Cluj-Napoca, GEDO Publishing House) and the novel Să trăiți, Domule Președinte (God speed, Mister President, Cluj-Napoca, Dokia Publishing House).
