Barbara Jursic (Ljubljana , Slovenia) studied Spanish and French Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and completed her MA (Portuguese Literature) in Lisbon and her PhD (Portuguese Literature) in Ljubljana. Her most important literary translations include works by J. Saramago (Ensaio sobre a cegueira, Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo,
Jangada de pedra, O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis), F. Pessoa (Livro do desassossego), Lobo Antunes (Exortação aos crocodilos), Mia Couto (O último voo do flamingo), G. M. Tavares , (Jerusalém, Os Senhores, Dulce Maria Cardoso, Retorno) A. L. Amaral (What’s in a Name) and Eça de Queirós (O Crime do Padre Am ar o ). She is a conference panellist , a curator and an author of children’s books and scientific articles. She is an award-winning translator of José Saramago and has been the Director of the Technical Museum of Slovenia since February 2020.