GHOSTS. Each new book conjures up the ghosts of past writers, while casting its shadow into the future. Writers never die. From 28 to 30 March, they will conspire with ghosts to turn Brussels into a great literary hall of mirrors.

Literary Talks 2025 follows the theme "Archaeology of Memory" this year. The events from the program will be in three different spaces: Sofia Largo (Ancient Complex "Serdika"), National Archaeological Institute with Museum - BAS and Shtrak.

"30! Energy of the Youth - Wisdom of Books" describes the theme of the 30th edition of the Book World Prague 2025, highlighting the dynamic interplay between the creativity of young creators and the wisdom contained in literature.

Inspired by a verse by poet Eugenio Montale, which became the title of the Strega Award-winning novel by Lalla Romano, "Le parole tra noi leggere" is the theme of the XXXVII edition of the Turin International Book Fair.

What do the numerous untranslatables tell us—words that exist in one language but are absent in another? Are then slightly different realities meant, from language to language, from society to society? And what if the experiences of these societies differ radically? Can language reliably convey the experience of one to another?

Fabula introduces the central theme "Distorted Reality," which explores questions about our perception of the world and the role of literature in shaping our reality.

A panel of international literary experts will discuss the impact of AI on (the future of) the literary industry. What do we talk about when we talk about AI?

A panel of international literary experts – publishers, editors, policymakers and writers – discuss writing as activism. How can literature support activist ideals, and what is needed for writers to activate communities and present the connections between people across the world?

Join us for the 6th edition of Conversations, a panel debate on the future of literature, authorship, translation and the literary industry taking place live in Madrid and livestreamed on Wednesday, April 17. This edition, we will focus on the topic of SOLIDARITY: how can literature empower solidarity between readers, translators, writers and publishers? How can we use stories to energise solidarity debates and support interdependent and community thinking?

In Conversations: What is the future of authorship? a panel of international literary experts, publishers, editors, policymakers, and writers discuss the future of authorship.

The 11th edition of the international readers festival La Grande Invasione, in Ivrea, Italy, will be a spectacular firework display! As the Italian author Domenico Starnone puts it: "Words are the most extraordinary special effects". From the 1st to the 4th of June, the festival will be a readers' feast: a diverse offer of panels and presentations on a super-wide range of topics, from happiness to survivalism, happiness, aging and the future of work culture.

In 2023, Bookfest will open its gates for the 16th edition in Bucharest, between 24th to 28th of May. The fair’s guest of honor this year is Italy. Since 2012, Bookfest Bucharest has been expanding and includes other cities in Romania such as Timișoara, Cluj-Napoca, Iași, Târgu-Mureș, Brașov.
CELA authors and translators will showcase their work in Bucharest on May 25, during the CELA Performance and Translator’s Café. Also, the fair will host a series of CELA workshops dedicated to aspiring writers and emerging and experienced translators.

The 28th edition of the international book fair and literary festival will be thematically exceptional. The “Authors Without Borders” concept reflects the current time when borders, whether physical, cultural, social, sexual, genre or political, are becoming increasingly blurred. Thus in 2023, the guest of honour is not a specific country but authors transgressing notional borders.

The theme for Wintertuinfestival 2023 is inspired by the phenomenon of 'solastalgia': feeling homesick fowards a place which has been radically alterned towards the point that it is not recognised as home anymore. Wintertuinfestival shares perspectives on change: you've been here before.
The CELA participants take the stage on April 10th with a series of performances, transmedia installations and an editions of 'Translators Café'.