Valeria Usala (1993) was born in Cagliari and earned a degree in Languages and Communication from the University of Cagliari, spending time abroad in Brno (Czech Republic) and Valencia (Spain) through two Eramsus+ study and traineeship programmes. She later moved to Rome and to complete a diploma in Filmmaking at Ateneo del Cinema and then to Turin to study Storytelling at Scuola Holden.
At the end of her two-year programme at Scuola Holden, she completed her first novel, La Rinnegata, published by Garzanti in 2021. She also contributed three short stories to Una vita vale tutto, Kappa vol.3 and I racconti della locanda.
In addition to her writing, Valeria worked as a senior editor for Hypercritic, an online cultural magazine, led a storytelling workshop for school students at Salone Internazionale del Libro of Torino, and taught an online creative writing course for Scuola Holden. She is currently writing her second novel and teaching creative writing in Cagliari at Fondazione Giuseppe Siotto.
Publishing house: Garzanti
Press office: Rosanna Paradiso
E-mail address: rosanna.paradiso@garzantilibri.it
Website: https://www.garzanti.it/
Agent: Carmen Prestia
E-mail address: cp@carmenprestia.it
Website: https://www.carmenprestia.com/