Paula Erizanu (b. 1992) is a writer and journalist from Chișinău, Republic of Moldova. She collaborates with the BBC, The Guardian, London Review of Books, Financial Times etc. She was shortlisted for the Culture Journalist of the Year Award in the UK's Words by Women competition (2019). Her first book, Aceasta e prima mea revoluție. Furați-mi-o (This Is My First Revolution. Steal It, Cartier Publishing House, 2011) was a creative non-fiction account of the 2009 pro-democracy protests in the Republic of Moldova, which won the Most Beautiful Book Production prize in Leipzig, offered by UNESCO Germany. Paula Erizanu then published a volume of poetry, Ai grijă de tine (Take care of yourself, 2015) and co-edited, in collaboration with Alina Purcaru, the pioneering three-part anthology Un secol de poezie român scrisă de femei (A Century of Romanian Poetry Written by Women, 2019-2021). For her feminist historical novel Ard pădurile (The Woods Are Burning, Cartier Publishing House, 2021), she received the Young Writer of the Year 2022 award at the Young Writers Gala in Bucharest, Romania.