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Oksana Ziobro

Oksana Ziobro (b. 1988) is a cultural manager, communications specialist, and reading promoter. She has worked in the publishing industry for over 11 years, leading the PR & Marketing department at The Old Lion Publishing House. Previously, she worked as a journalist. Currently, Oksana continues her work in communications as the Communications Director at Teach for Ukraine NGO.

She is also a lecturer at Litosvita and the curator of a year-long book writing program. She consults publishers and authors on promotion and marketing strategies. Together with Superhumans Centre and The Old Lion Publishing House, she created the "Superhumans on the Power of Books" social project—a series of discussions on mindful communication and the adaptation experience of veterans who have undergone amputations and prosthetic rehabilitation. She is also the creator of several book clubs for children and teens and the author of reading journals for the "Textura" reading promotion program by Teple Misto NGO.
