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Markéta Cubrová

After studying at a Czech-Spanish bilingual high school, Markéta continued with Translation and Interpreting studies at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague. After falling in love with Chile, her translation of a short story from her bachelor's thesis about Pinochet's secret agent Ingrid Olderocková, zrůda z Chile, was published in the Czech cultural journal A2. During her studies, she worked as a translator, interpreter, librarian, and assistant for the Instituto Cervantes in Prague. However, Markéta was so fascinated by Chile that she spent six months there as part of her research for her master's thesis on Chilean literature and a related translation of Nona Fernández's work. In 2025, her first translated comic book, A dost! Příručka feministické sebeobrany (nejen) pro teenagery, will be published, as well as the short story Traiguénská epidemie in the anthology Kruely. Povídky od Pyrenejí k Andám.
