Klára Našincová studied Romanian Philology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, where her first thesis focused on the dramatic works of Mircea Eliade, and the second on the Romanian literary works of Eugène Ionesco. She has translated subtitles, short stories, plays, and poems by authors such as Mircea Eliade, Bogdan Suceavă, Octavian Soviany, and others, and has been collaborating with the Author’s Reading Month literary festival in Brno (Velikáni revolucí, Octavian Soviany). In 2021, Klára received an honourable prize in the Jiří Levý Contest for Young and Beginning Translators for her translation of short stories by L. D. Teodorovici. The following year, she was awarded 3rd place for her translation of Bogdan Suceava's short stories, which were later printed in the Czech literary magazine Plav. Klára’s translation of the graphic novel Mráčkovy prázdniny was published in 2023, while her translation of Mircea Eliade's play Lidé a kameny will be published in 2025 in the book Nekonečný sloup.