Joanna Gierak-Onoszko is the author of The 27 Deaths of Toby Obed, hailed the most important non-fiction book in Poland in 2019. Until 2018, Joanna had been a reporter with the Polish opinion magazine Polityka, covering social issues and exploring the tightly knit relationships between law, medicine and ethics. Joanna has also published her features in renowned Polish non-fiction magazines such as Duży Format, Pismo and Non-fiction. An award-winning author, Joanna has recently been shortlisted as one of Poland’s most remarkable observers for the MediaTORY award (2019).
She is the laureate of the Best Feature Award for her reportage on rescuing a dog from besieged Aleppo (Festiwal Wrażliwy, 2016) and was nominated for an international journalistic award for covering doctors’ and volunteers’ work in Berlin during the European migrant crisis (Polsko-Niemiecka Nagroda im. Tadeusza Mazowieckiego, 2015). Joanna is a University
of Warsaw and International Baccalaureate graduate and currently lives in Warsaw, where she runs communications for the world’s biggest law firm.