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Ioana Maria Stăncescu

Ioana Maria Stăncescu (b. 1975) studied French language and literature at the University of Bucharest and works as a journalist at Radio Romania International, the French section. She debuted in 2020 with the novel Tot ce i-am promis tatălui meu (Everything I Promised My Father), published by Trei Publishing House, which was nominated for the “Sofia Nădejde” Awards for Women’s Written Literature, in the Debut Prose category and laureate at the First Novel Festival in Chambery, France, in 2021. In 2024, she published her second novel, Tăcerea vine prima (Silence Comes First). She participates in creative writing workshops and is featured in the women’s prose anthology Retroversiuni: Blocaje (Retroversions: Blockages), published by Paralela 45 Publishing House.

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