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Giorgia Maurovich

Giorgia Maurovich was born and raised on the Italian-Slovenian border. She graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Bologna, specialising in German and Polish, before studying Comparative Literature with a focus on translation studies, and completing an internship in literary translation from Polish to Italian. In 2024 she won the Translating Competition of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.

In addition to translating, Giorgia is a writer and an active member of the cultural and literary scene between Italy and Slovenia. She has been a writer-in-residence and researcher at Robida and Mesto Knjige-Carinarnica, where she also mentored and edited other writers. She contributes to various Italian and Slovenian publications, as well as other online and print magazines around Europe. She is currently working on her first collection of literary essays, to be published by Črna skrinjica.
