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Aleksandra Wójcik

Aleksandra Wójcik specialises in translating from Slovenian, Czech, Croatian, and Bulgarian into Polish. She graduated with honours in Slavonic Studies from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, and is currently combining her role at the Institute of Polish Language at the Polish Academy of Sciences with the preparation of her doctoral thesis in corpus linguistics. She was the recipient of the Susanna Roth Award in 2020, which recognizes the best translations from Czech. Additionally, she was awarded the second place prize in the Transformacii competition for the best prose translation from Bulgarian (2022), as the first-place prize was not bestowed. To date, she has published two translations from Slovenian into Polish: a co-authored translation of Žiga Divjak's drama 6 (see Nowy dramat słoweński. T. 2) and a translation of Jasna Reščič's short story V sobi, ki je ni (več), as well as two translations from Polish into Slovenian for the literary magazine Perun.
